Cae Glas 300th Meeting Station Bitter
Cae Glas Lodge enjoyed a full house for our 300th meeting on 4th May. Visitors outnumbered our members – with a fantastic 32 visitors form 12 lodges present! It was good to see a number of members from the former Aston Manor Lodge with us, and also a delegation, including the W.M., from Westminster Lodge in the Province of Cheshire, with whom cae Glas are arranging a ‘twinning’ and a formal annual reciprocal visit.
The Brethren enjoyed an excerpt from the minutes of the very first meeting of Cae Glas Lodge in 1974, delivered by Bro. Secretary, followed by a Third Degree ceremony for Bro. Allen undertaken by the Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Neil Bevan, with W. Bros. Dave Bramwell and Martin Wildman concluding the ceremony. The Wardens, Bros. James and Hickman, showed their prowess in demonstrating the full closing in the Third Degree. The evening also included the presentation of a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro. T. Evans.
The evening concluded with a very enjoyable Festive Board at which every Brother present received a gift of a special commemorate bottle of Stonehouse Brewery Station Bitter (brewed by one of our members!). A thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all – with the bar staying open until late as the Brethren continued to enjoy the fellowship long after the Festive Board had closed!
Th evening marked the end of our meetings before the Summer recess – but we still have the Preceptors Evening to look forward to on 25th May, at which the Provincial Grand Master will be present!